
Not as easily obtained as preached. As for love, even gratitude has trouble.

- Archie Naik

Something in the air brings out the true colours in everyone

-Gossip Girl


Lip Locked.

I have got so many things on mind today. My heart or mind, let not get too cheesy, is filled with thoughts. First of all, It's summer 2010! I had my last exam today and I hate people who stress over an exam after an exam. I might be a little hypocritical on this, but I am not always speaking from my point of view, the rightful point of view is considered. Anyway, last little while I've been watching Gossip Girl. Yes, S was caught lip locked with N, what is B thinking now? Well I'm definetely not the next gossip girl. And all I'm going to say is that she is definetely inspiring. But then again, I get inspired so easily by things without giving them a thought, SO DONT JUDGE!

There are many things that irritate me about Gossip Girl and many things I like. The manipulation going inside that show is there-isn't-a-big-enough-word-for-it. It's all very dream like. Most kids have banks overflowing with cash and the unfortunate ones act like they do. When a boy and a girl meet each other, do they really have to be lip locked an hour later. In reality, things aren't that easy. Not every boy whom you fall for will kiss you the next hour. See, very dream like. But then again, I love the show! All the gossip and bitches, It's kind of fun to see and thank god It's not so bad around here. *knock on wood*

Recently I have had some thoughts mind about how people act and react. I have decided that from now on I'm going to try to be honest, be myself, and be free to do whatever I want not what pleases people. This is just a goal...As gossip girl once said, "Something in the air brings out the true colours in everyone."

I had more thoughts, but they got lost along the way. 
So, Hope your having a great summerrr.

you know you love me, xoxo.



  1. omgggggggggggggg i love your blogggggg =]
    no actually i love YOUU (LL)

  2. aww anonymousss, you know i love you way more.

  3. awwww your so cute! I love what you wrote!
    Keep writing...


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