
Not as easily obtained as preached. As for love, even gratitude has trouble.

- Archie Naik

Something in the air brings out the true colours in everyone

-Gossip Girl


Lightening don't strike, the same place twice.

It's been a month and to say the least I've been busy. With late nights to fun times to just plain old school days, Its been a fun while. Recently I traveled to the United States and I realized that even their trees are BIGGER than ours. Okay maybe, they are older, but they were indescribably HUMONGOUS! It was weird. Anyway, I love it there, the joy of my cousin brings. I hate the country though, well not hate, that's kind of strong, but dislike anyway...and if you really want to know why. Visit Intenss. His blog is prettyy nice :)

Anyway, life is pretty boring. We need more parties and dancing, and people who like to live it up! Seriously, I hate it when people are so down about everything, and not enthusiastic. Like, why come to a party when all you're going to do is sit around. Well, this is just experience from over the years, don't take it personally.

This saying makes me think a lot, and I have no clue why.
^ that isn't something you choose, to me when it just happens. How can you watch people while you're dancing. Then, you're just not dancing, you're watching. And maybe if you're a certain creep, you can do both. But I don't know about that.

And, finally, I did something great this week. I gave up my facebook! I did! I told my friend the password and, told him not to tell me until Exams are over. Even I can't believe I'm saying what I'm about to say but it's true.So now that I've been off of it, I don't really give a shit. You should all try it, it feels kind of good to be away from the overload of information. Having facebook turns you into a stalker. If you're saying, "NOT ME!" Well, you're wrong because you don't choose this thing! So, anyway, I'm happy to be off this stalker job for a while :)

I think thats all for today and I don't think I did so well on this post. Well, it'd been a while. I promise you better next time. Maybe after exams, or maybe before.

P.S. I love you!
P.P.S. Here's a little quote I created. 
"I just think that its about time I blink back to reality, because words mean more than what they seem" 


  1. does a cow have 4 boobs, or 1 boob with 4 tits.

  2. gee i wonder, why don't you tell me ?

  3. ummmm.. its nice what you are writing but i dont get why you are writing all this? Whats the use?

  4. I write to express my feelings, nothing more.
    If you don't find it useful, don't read it.. Who is this anyway?


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