
Not as easily obtained as preached. As for love, even gratitude has trouble.

- Archie Naik

Something in the air brings out the true colours in everyone

-Gossip Girl


.Let the love I have for you live in your heart.. and be forever (L)

Here goes...
So for all those weight watchers out there, here is something that will get you far in life, a very long way i must say. - NEVER GO TO A BUFFET - Those places are designed to put weight on you, seriously, the amount of food they have there is stupendous. Considering that I'm a vegetarian and there weren't as many choices for me, I still gained around 4 pounds today, I'm guessing.. which is pretty sad !!

Yesterday, I was at a party, and this mother said something that caught my attention. She is like : My daughter has my heart, she's really sweet but she has a lot of attitude. But, I think thats vital to survive in life/high school. OH JEEZ. That girl of hers is a spoiled child with major attitude and apparently that essential..So now you know why you have all these b*tches in your school with heavy attitudes... THEIR PARENTS SUPPORT THEM....
Anywho, I've been reading the notebook and I'm not quite finished but, It's an amazing book!!! It almost made me cry...damn Nicholas Sparks is a great author...and I'm going to post a quote in each blog..as long as I can find some interesting ones...

"Poets often describe love as an emotion that we can't control, one that overwhelms logic and common sense. That's what it was like for me. I didn't plan on falling in love with you, and i doubt if  you planned on falling in love with me. but once we met, it was clear that neither of us could control what was happening to us. we fell in love, despite our differences, and once we did, something rare was created. For me, love like that has happened only once, and that;s why every minute we spent together has been seared in my memory. I'll never forget a single moment of it."
-The Notebook

This book is really inspiring and expresses love very efficiently.
And Finally, I came acrosss something today why I was walking home..it was...Oh the teenage brain, it is fascinating! The ability it has to dirtify simple sentences like "Tap her head" ... Funny... You know what I'm talking about Hollow Head, and My fellow Zeeee....who btw has amazing abilities !! You guys are halerious, made my day ! : ) So, all im saying is be careful of what you say..you never know...what it will turn into...you never know...

thats all for today,


P.S. I love you!


  1. you do not have to be bitchy to survive high school :)

  2. dude, i go to the buffet all the time... we have a buffet on campus here. its not the buffet that kills u, its ur self control...

  3. are you a weight watcher?
    i don't think so... :P
    and it is a little about self-control..but still

  4. well i weigh 135 pounds, that means im pretty normal weight :D

    (so r u :|)

  5. yea, exactly, you're normall .. soo you dnt need to worry..

    yeah, well you're not a girl :P or..are you?
    +we already had this argument about our weighht LOL

  6. well if my opinion is anything to go by, ur body is in perfect condition


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